All of us are familiar with dog crates, and we know it has its limitations too, for instance, the dog is like a prisoner in it, without any source of joy and place to excrete. This dog playpen comes into a place where your dog not only stays within a boundary but has all the departments in it – from pee to toys to a cozy place for sleep. This amazing thing you can take with you while traveling becomes part of your luggage for good, and this is what we’re going to explore today: the travel dog playpens.

So, let’s begin!

Benefits of a Travel Dog Playpen

Dogs have natural tendency to exhibit energy, which can be had with long walks, jumping and game playing. At the house or somewhere your dog can’t roam freely, dog playpens are the solution.

With toys to play and a place to walk and sleep, it’s the pup’s mini house, way better than a crate in which he can move freely.

dogs playpen
Dog in a playpen

Choosing the Right Playpen

First, you have to make it clear for which purpose you are making this purchase. Is it for the purpose, while you stay in kitchen busy in cooking, the dog can enjoy his time without creating mess at home?

Second, if it’s for hiking, picnic, or other outdoor public activities the playpen size and ability to collapse and easy to carry should be under consideration. Also, the number of days you are staying is another consideration. For an extended period of stay, even a normal playpen will become smaller for your little friend. Why? Because a dog can’t stay beyond 6-8 hours confined in a dog playpen.

Third, once you have decided your purpose your dog size comes next. If he’s tall big breed dog the dog pen should be big as well.

Setting Up and Using the Playpen

Now this is the creative area, which depends on the needs of your dog and the way you want him to stay as well as for how much time you wish him to stay inside at least.

If you wish to make it more exercise-intensive you need to add 8-9 panels plus the protection or barriers against stairs to ensure his safety.

Depending upon the leaping height of your furry friend you can add extra floor protectors, just to make an extra backup.

dog playpen

Safety and Comfort Tips

Here are some of the safety measures you can which may not guarantee the safest stay, but can reduce the risks drastically.

Make sure the travel dog playpen is vertically big as well as large enough to accommodate the play area, sleep area, water and poo/pee section.

Maintenance and Cleaning

The easiest thing is to clean it regularly to avoid creating a dirt mess on it. Cleaning it with a disinfectant once a week is recommended.

Follow the given below process to get a clean playpen.

Collect all dog waste and dispose of it first. Then remove any bowls, containers and toys that are lying in it.

Take the playpen outside in the lawn or laundry area and use your pressure hose to rinse it. This will remove any dirt, pee or poo residue from the surface.

Use any detergent to clean it off using a brush or sponge. Once done, give it a warm water shower to further remove any dirt residue.

Let it dry in the airy place, but not the direct sunlight, as it can remove its color.

Now, finally wash the utensils you removed in the first step with soapy water and then soak them in bleach water for 5-10 minutes to disinfect them.

Traveling with Your Dog’s Playpen

Let’s talk about each aspect of travel separately with dog’s playpen.

Air Travel:

While booking a ticket make sure how much is allowed in in-cabin. If even after collapsing the volume of the dog playpen too much it has to be gone via cargo. You have to check with you airlines regulations in this regard.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Travel Dog Playpen

How do I choose the right travel dog playpen?

To choose the right one you need to measure your dog’s height and length first. The playpen space should be 2.5-3 times your dog’s width from all sides. Also, keep considering how your dog behaves. If he’s frightened in an enclosed playpen, you should get him the one with bars only.

What are the benefits of using a playpen for dogs while traveling?

Benefits are immense provided you plan to go where you will stay for hours, because the shorter time playpen allows him to stay, roam around, sleep and play with toys – all together.

Are travel dog playpens suitable for all dog sizes and breeds?

Yes, it’s suitable for all dog breeds, except the ones who are aggressive, like Pitbull, Rottweiler, Dogo Argentino, etc, because there’s a risk of messing with the playpen, and not staying inside.

How portable are travel dog playpens?

Most of the dog playpens are foldable or collapsible like mosquito nets, while some can be unassembled to be fit in a thin bag. So, playpens are made after keeping in consideration its portability first.

Can travel playpens be used both indoors and outdoors?

Yes, travel playpens can be used both indoors and outdoors.

What materials are best for durable dog playpens?

There can’t be a single best material in the case of playpen. But, however, if it’s for a picnic, hiking-specific it’s always better to have a playpen structure made of steel.

How easy is it to set up and break down a travel dog playpen?

A travel dog playpen is made in such a way that it can easily be break down and packed.

How can I ensure my dog is safe and comfortable in a playpen?

First while purchasing make sure it meets the standard according to his weight and height. Secondly, always make sure you keep hearing some sound of him playing and roaming around when it’s not his sleep time.

Are there any fordable or collapsible playpens for easy transport?

Yes, there are a lot of varieties falling under this. There are some which are collapsible (most steel-made playpens), and some that are collapsible.

How do I clean and maintain a travel dog playpen?

 The usual process of washing it with soda works with it. The only thing to add is to rub a bleach solution-soaked cloth over it to disinfect it.

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